Roasted Tomato Sauce

Roasted Tomato Sauce

  Mise en Place
3 # Summer Tomatoes, cored, halved, seeded
 cup Olive Oil
¼ tsp Red Chile Flakes
1 tsp Dried Basil
1 tsp Dried Thyme
1 tsp Dried Oregano
1 clove Garlic, sliced (or crushed)
1 rib Celery, sliced
½ Medium Carrot, sliced
2-4 Green Onions, sliced
½ Sweet Apple, chopped
1 tsp Table Salt
¼ tsp Freshly Ground Black Pepper
 cup Dry Wine (white or red)
1 Tbls Tomato Paste (optional)

10" x 14" Roasting Pan (or any pan that you have will do)
Pastry Brush
Measuring Spoons
Liquid Measuring Cups
Paring Knife
Serrated Knife 
Cutting Board
3 Medium-ish Bowls


  1.  Pre-heat oven to 300'
  2. Use all oil to cover inside the pan, sides included
  3. Chile Flakes and Dried Herbs into the pan.
  4. Inside the pan, spread Mirepoix, Sliced Garlic, and Chopped Apple 
  5. Lay out tomatoes, cut side up covering everything underneath
  6. Season with Salt and Pepper
  7. Bake for 90 minutes
  8. If there is no browning, turn pan half way and bake for 30 more minutes
  9. Take out and let cool
  10. Put half wine into blender, then add half roasted veggies and spices.  Add tomato paste if you like.
  11. Cover, blend on high for 1 minute.  Pour into a container, repeat.*

* If you have a big enough blender, you can do it all at once

