Chipotle-Corn Soup

 Chipotle-Corn Soup

    Mise en Place
2 oz Neutral Oil

1 Med Onion, 8 oz, Diced

½ Rib Celery, 4 oz, Sliced

1 small Carrot, 4 oz, Rondelle

1 clove Garlic, Crushed

2-4 Chipotles, mashed with fork

2 # Corn (fresh or thawed)

4 cups Chicken Stock

1 cup Water

1 tsp Worcestershire Sauce

½ tsp Freshly Ground Black Pepper

1 cup Heavy Cream

Salt to taste

Chopped Cilarntro

Lime Wedges


1.  Sweat the Mirepoix and Garlic

2. Add Corn, Chipotles,  Worcestershire, and Black Pepper

3. Also add Stock and Water, bring to a boil

4. Let simmer for 10 minutes

5. Turn off and allow soup to cool

6. Cool Soup into blender for 1 minute on High.

7. Add Cream. 

8. Adjust for Salt

9. Garnish Chopped Cilantro and Lime Wedge, Sprinkle Paprika


3qt Saucepan

Measuring Spoons


Liquid Measuring Cup

Silicon Spatula


Cutting Board, Shelf Liner, Chef's Knife
