Ants Climbing Trees


Ants Climbing Trees (serves 4)


6 oz   Pkg Vermicelli Bean Thread

8 oz       Ground Turkey

3 Tbls    Neutral Oil

1 Tbls.   Sambal or Sriracha

1 Tbls    Rice Wine Vinegar

3 Tbls    Soy Sauce

1 Bn.      Green Onions, thinly sliced, tops bottoms separated

⅓ Cup.   Chicken Stock (low sodium)


Large Bowl

Food Turner (silicon)

12" Non-stick Saute Pan

Measuring Spoons and Cups

Cutting Board and Knife


1.  Soak Bean Thread in a bowl of straight hot tap water for 20 minutes.

2.  Drain Bean Threads, let drip while continuing

3.  Heat oil until you see first whisp of smoke

4.  Brown and break up the Ground Turkey in small bits.

5.  Move Turkey to one side, add Sambal and Green Onion bottoms.  Cook for one minute.

6.  Add Soy Sauce and Chicken Stock, bring to a boil

7.  Switch to Tongs, add in Bean Threads.  Keep tossing until liquid is absorbed and you hear strong sizzling from the pan.

8.  Turn off heat, Serve in warm bowls and garnish with Green Onions.

Note- There are so many variations on this.  Go nuts.
