Student Bread

 Student Bread - 2 pound Loaf (1kg)

    MIZE en PLACE - Biga

150g    Cold Water (1/2 cup plus 2 Tbls)

150g    All Purpose Flour (1 cup, scoop and sweep)

 30g     Yogurt, live culture, full fat, no flavorings (2 Tbls)

    1g     Instant Yeast (½ tsp)

    - In a Medium Mixing Bowl, completely mix with a spoon.  Cover with plastic wrap and let sit at room temp from 4 hours to over night.

    MIZE en PLACE - Bread

316g    Biga (all of it)

350g All Purpose Flour (2 ¼ cups scoop n sweep)

240g Hot Tap Water 100’ (1 Cup)

15g Molasses or Honey or Sugar (1 Tablespoon)

12g Salt (2 tsp Table Salt or 4 tsp Kosher Salt )

30g Olive Oil (2 Tbls)

2g Instant Yeast (2 Tsp)

15g Yogurt (optional)

15g Chopped Fresh Herbs (Optional - 2Tbls)


1. In the Mixing bowl with the Biga, add all remaining ingredients. Mix with hand until all lumps are worked out. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest at room temp for 30 minutes.

2. Oil one 9"x5" (2 pound) loaf pan.

3. Wet one hand, use that to fold/knead your dough 6 times then turn out into 9"x5" pan. Brush dough with oil (or spray) then cover with your plastic wrap from before. Let sit1-2 hours until dough rises above just above the sides of pan.

4. Pre-heat oven to 385', Gently remove plastic wrap and let dough continue to rise uncovered while the oven heats up.

5. Place loaf pan in the middle of a rack that is in the middle of the oven. Set timer for 30 minutes.

6. Rotate pan, set timer for another 15 minutes. Bread is done at 200'

7. Turn finished loaf out onto a rack, on its side, let cool.

Note:  Very flexible recipe, I replace 100g of All Purpose Flour with 50g Whole Wheat, 50g Rye.


